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Seminari e Convegni

2021 Yearbook Photo Student Contest - Ecco le Vincitrici!


Si sono concluse le votazioni del concorso Yearbook Photo Student Contest, pensato per raccontare la vita del Dipartimento dal punto di vista degli studenti/studentesse.


Seminari e Convegni

Seminario "Peeking inside the deep structure of Italy"

Speaker: Dr.ssa Paola Baccheschi INGV – Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Roma - Tuesday, 12th March – 4:30 PM | Aula Arduino


Defining the deep structure of the Italian peninsula is fundamental for understanding the Mediterranean region and its geodynamical history tightly connected with the spatial and temporal interaction between the Africa and Eurasia plates.


Seminari e Convegni

Seminario di avvio al lavoro "Opere di protezione in ambiente montano: le barriere paramassi"

Speaker: Dott. Geol.Giorgio Giachetti (Presidente Ordine dei Geologi Regione del Veneto) - Tuesday, 5th March – 4:30 PM | Aula Arduino


La normativa italiana non consente ai geologi di progettare strutture ad eccezione delle barriere paramassi purché siano fornite come kit di montaggio secondo la EAD 340059-00-0106. Tale EAD descrive i risultati delle prove sulle barriere in termini di energia e altezza residuale che sono


Seminari e Convegni

Looking at rivers in a data rich era

Speaker: Dr. Simone Bizzi (Dipartimento di Geoscienze - Università degli studi di Padova) - Tuesday, 29th March – 4:30 PM | Aula Arduino


For decades geomorphologists have asked what drives the fundamental difference in river functioning between single-thread meandering channel and multi-thread systems? The variety of existing river channel patterns and their functioning are nicely summarized in the river classification schemes which tells us that river forms and patterns are generated by specific drivers, namely: channel gradient, amount of sediment supply, and grain size (caliber) of the sediment supply.


Seminari e Convegni

Building planetary atmospheres from magma oceans

Speaker: Dr. Paolo Sossi (Eth, Department of Earth Sciences, Zürich, Switzerland) - Tuesday, 22nd March – 4:30 PM | Aula Arduino


Atmospheres around some rocky planets may be germane to the development of life. Owing to the energy deposited during accretion, most are thought to have undergone at least one magma ocean stage in their lifetime.
