News archive

HYPERION's video among the nominees of the UNESCO Earth Futures Festival 2022


The video, produced by Eurisy, talks about the activities of protection and monitoring of the cultural heritage on the island of Rhodes. Voting ends in the 15th of September.The Greek island of Rhodes is subject to soil movements and is situated in a seismic area.

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Convective and Volcanic Clouds School: the 7th edition will be held in September in Nicolosi (Sicily), on the slopes of the Etna volcano

Dal 05.09.2022 al 13.09.2022

The Convective and Volcanic Clouds (CVC) School is a great opportunity to get an overview of the state of the art of these fields: the purpose is to train students with outstanding research interest in the techniques allowing to detect, monitor, and model convective and volcanic clouds, to gain knowledge of the instruments and satellite missions (present and future) and to be able to support such kind of studies.

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Monitoring Coastal Wetlands Using Remote Sensing Data: the NASA Delta-X project

Speaker: Prof. Sergio Fagherazzi, Earth & Environment Department, Boston University - Wednesday, 15th June – 3:30 PM | Aula Arduino


Deltas are sinking. All large deltas are in peril or on the verge. They cannot grow fast enough to offset sea-level rise and subsidence (sinking) of land. Deltas are the babies of the geological timescale. They are very young and fragile, in a delicate balance of sinking and growing.

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(Geo)Science Communication School: the fifth edition will be held this October in Montagnana (PD)

Dal 09.06.2022 al 16.10.2022

The fifth edition of the school, that has been funded by the Università degli Studi di Padova, will be held in October in Montagnana (PD) and it is organized in two blocks: Science Communication School from 10 to 13 October and GeoScience Communication School from 10 to 15 October.

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Aspects of Archaeology

Speaker: Prof. Cees Passchier (University of Mainz - Institute of Geosciences) - Tuesday, 17th May – 4:30 PM | Aula Arduino


Geology and archaeology have many points in common, and many ancient sites benefit from a collaboration of geologists and archaeologists. Of specific interest are ancient water supply systems, probably the greatest technical achievements of antiquity. A specific fruitful topic to study such systems are freshwater carbonate deposits that form in water channels.

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