News archive

Seminars - Workshops

Seminar - Rainfall induced landslides in a changing climate: data, tools, challenges and perspectives for regional scale prediction

Speaker: Dr. Stefano Luigi Gariano - Hydrogeological Protection Research Institute (CNR-IRPI), Perugia | Thursday 12 December 2024 | 4,30 PM - Arduino Classroom


The seminar delves into the critical steps in developing reliable regional‐scale prediction models for rainfall‐induced landslides, starting with the data collection and analysis. Then, an overview of quantitative and reproducible methods, models and tools is presented

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Seminars - Workshops

Workshop on Raw Materials and Geomaterials: Challenges and Industrial Applications

Dal 09.12.2024 al 10.12.2024

On December 9-10, 2024, the Department of Earth Sciences at Sapienza University of Rome will host the workshop Raw Materials and Geomaterials: Challenges and Industrial Applications, organized in a hybrid format by the National GABeC Group and the Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology (SIMP)

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Seminars - Workshops

Seminar "Career Workshop" Variazione temporale delle concentrazioni di prodotti fitosanitari nell'alta pianura Pordenonese

Speaker: Dr. Geol. Roberta Paletta - Livenza Tagliamento Acque S.p.A. | Thursday 5 December 2024 | 4,30 PM Arduino Classroom


The seminar explores the role of the geologist in a vulnerable context such as the Pordenone area, characterised by the bi-regional management of the SII Livenza Tagliamento Acque S.p.A., which adopts an integrated approach to the management of water resources, investing in the study of the territory

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Seminars - Workshops

Burnt lime: the role of an industrial mineral in steelmaking

Speaker: Giovanni Baldo - Fassa Bortolo | November 27, 2024, at 10:30 AM, classroom 2G


The seminar will explore the role of lime in steel production, with a specific focus on the practice of slag foaming, crucial in modern steelworks. Following an overview of the history and production methods of lime, strategies to reduce its environmental impact will be discussed

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Seminars - Workshops

Science as Story: Special Lecture by Science Writer Terri Cook

Speaker: Terri Cook | Thursday, November 28 at 5 pm | Aula Magna "F. Azzone," Vallisneri Building


Titled Science as Story - Communicating Science in Unexpected (and Effective) Ways, this lecture is part of the Distinguished Lecture Series of the European Geosciences Union, hosted by the Department of Biology, the Department of Geosciences, and the University Museums Centre (CAM).

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