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Seminars - Workshops

Field trip in Valle dei Laghi (TN)


The students of the Master’s Degree in Earth Dynamics visited the carbonate rocks that deposited in a tropical sea during the Early Jurassic.

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Seminars - Workshops

Seminar - Global analysis of rivers with deep learning

Speaker: Prof. Patrice Carbonneau, Department of Geography, Durham University (UK) - Monday, 17 April – 3:30 PM | Classroom 2M


Many obstacles remain in place and the construction of a data processing pipeline that can effectively deliver global scale river classification is not trivial. This seminar will present a prototype pipeline that combines deep learning with classical remote sensing and image processing methods in order to produce semantic classes for rivers, lakes and gravel bars from Sentinel-2 imagery and at a resolution of 10 meters.

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Seminars - Workshops

Seminar (Career Workshop) - “Northern Lights” and the role of subsurface in Carbon Capture and Storage

Speaker: Dr. Renata Meneguolo - Equinor, Stavanger (Norway) | 4 Aprile 4,30 PM ! Aula Arduino


Capture and storage of carbon dioxide (CCS) is considered a crucial tool for the decarbonization of emissions from energy and hard-to-abate industries. Geoscience has a crucial role in the multidisciplinary assessment of the three building blocks of safe CO2 geological storage: containment, injectivity and capacity.

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Seminars - Workshops

Seminar - Basement inversion of the European passive continental margin during Alpine collision: From nm-scale deformation processes to geodynamics

Speaker: Prof. Marco Herwegh, University of Bern, Institute of Geological Sciences (CH) - Tuesday, 28 March – 4:30 PM | Aula Arduino


This talk deals with the exhumation history of continental granitoid crust of the former European passive continental margin, by showing regional scale fault zone patterns, their link to microscale deformation processes and the mechanical implications based on rock deformation experiments.

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Seminars - Workshops

Career Workshop: Il ruolo del geologo in una società di acque minerali

Speaker: Dr. Enrico Marcolongo (Acque Minerali San Benedetto Spa) - Tuesday, 21 March – 4:30 PM | Aula Arduino


Il seminario presenterà qual è il ruolo del Direttore responsabile delle attività estrattive secondo il D.L: n. 624/96 e come la figura del geologo interviene nell’esercizio della concessione mineraria per un’industria alimentare.

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