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Press Review

Presentation of MapFly - cartographic webGIS of the University of Padova

Il Bo Live - online


Mapfly portal is online!Mapfly is a webGIS catalog that allows to search on a geographic basis 30,000 geothematic and historical maps held by the University of Padua, retrieve the copy in the library, or view and download the reproduction when copyright permits. The MapFly project was developed in

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Press Review

Learning from the past: sustainably produced bricks, better earthquake resilience

CORDIS - Eu research results


What can the brickmakers and architects of the past teach us about the sustainable production of bricks and how buildings can be made more quake-resilient? Italy, home to some of the most spectacular ancient brick-built edifices in Europe, is seismically active. Two recent earthquakes, in 2017 and 2016, caused widespread damage in central Italy. So Elena Mercedes Pérez-Monserrat, a researcher based at the Geosciences Department, University of Padua, set out to establish what building materials and styles of the country’s ancient past were more likely to withstand the impact, and why.

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Press Review

The “shock” origin of extraterrestrial diamonds


It’s the largest diamond ever found in a meteorite, measuring one-tenth of a millimeter. As if that’s not enough, it should also be added that for the first time together with "large" diamonds of this type, nanometer diamonds have been identified (a diamond of one tenth of a millimeter is about 100

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Press Review

Climate change: eyes on the permafrost


The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emphasizes, as if there were still any need for it that without taking measures to reduce climate-changing gas emissions we will certainly face serious repercussions. It is therefore essential to plan policies that combat

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Press Review

Climate change: eyes on the permafrost


The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emphasizes, as if there were still any need for it that without taking measures to reduce climate-changing gas emissions we will certainly face serious repercussions. It is therefore essential to plan policies that combat

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