News archive

The wonder of wetlands: the secret weapon in the battle against climate change


Blue carbon ecosystems such as salt marshes act as efficient natural carbon sinks, helping to offset CO2 emissions and fight climate change.This is what emerges from research carried out at the Dept. of Geosciences within the Research Programme Venezia2021, coordinated by CORILA. Euronews reported

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Doctoral Programme UNIPhD - Eight Century Legacy of Multidisciplinary Research and Training for the Next-Generation Talents


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Presentation of MapFly - cartographic webGIS of the University of Padova

Il Bo Live - online


Mapfly portal is online!Mapfly is a webGIS catalog that allows to search on a geographic basis 30,000 geothematic and historical maps held by the University of Padua, retrieve the copy in the library, or view and download the reproduction when copyright permits. The MapFly project was developed in

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The Reference Geological Model (RGM) in the professional practice

Speaker: Dott. Geol. Gianluca Benedetti (ENSER S.r.l. - Società d'ingegneria - Faenza) - Thursday, 2nd December – 4:30 PM | Aula Arduino


Career WorkshopThe Reference Geological Model (RGM) is the basic tool of any civil engineering design and construction as fully described in the “Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni” (NTC2018, D.M. 17/01/2018). Geological structures are normally complex and for the major part cannot be directly

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Learning from the past: sustainably produced bricks, better earthquake resilience

CORDIS - Eu research results


What can the brickmakers and architects of the past teach us about the sustainable production of bricks and how buildings can be made more quake-resilient? Italy, home to some of the most spectacular ancient brick-built edifices in Europe, is seismically active. Two recent earthquakes, in 2017 and 2016, caused widespread damage in central Italy. So Elena Mercedes Pérez-Monserrat, a researcher based at the Geosciences Department, University of Padua, set out to establish what building materials and styles of the country’s ancient past were more likely to withstand the impact, and why.

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