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(Geo)Science Communication School: the fifth edition will be held this October in Montagnana (PD)

Dal 09.06.2022 al 16.10.2022

The fifth edition of the school, that has been funded by the Università degli Studi di Padova, will be held in October in Montagnana (PD) and it is organized in two blocks: Science Communication School from 10 to 13 October and GeoScience Communication School from 10 to 15 October.

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Aspects of Archaeology

Speaker: Prof. Cees Passchier (University of Mainz - Institute of Geosciences) - Tuesday, 17th May – 4:30 PM | Aula Arduino


Geology and archaeology have many points in common, and many ancient sites benefit from a collaboration of geologists and archaeologists. Of specific interest are ancient water supply systems, probably the greatest technical achievements of antiquity. A specific fruitful topic to study such systems are freshwater carbonate deposits that form in water channels.

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Improving predictability of changes in tide-influenced channel morphology – can we take previously established concepts one step further?

Speaker: Dr. Anna Van Yperen (University of Oslo - Department of Geosciences) - Tuesday, 10th May – 4:30 PM | Aula Arduino


An increasing number of studies links down-dip changes in riverine morphodynamics on delta plains to backwater effects, i.e. flow deceleration as a river approaches a standing water body and subsequent deposition.

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Il caso del Sito di Interesse Nazionale (SIN) di Venezia Porto Marghera

Speaker: Dr. Leonardo Mason (Funzionario ARPAV) - Tuesday 3th May – 4:30 PM | Aula Arduino


Porto Marghera, con la sua superficie complessiva pari a circa 2000 ettari, rappresenta uno dei siti industriali più estesi e importanti del territorio nazionale. Il suo rapporto con il territorio limitrofo in passato è stato conflittuale, a causa delle rilevanti implicazioni ambientali dell’attività industriale e dei conseguenti impatti generati sull’ecosistema lagunare e la terraferma.

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Extreme rainfall in a changing climate: occurrence probability and geomorphological impacts

Speaker: Dr. Francesco Marra (CNR-ISAC, Istituto di Scienze dell’Atmosfera e del Clima, Bologna) - Tuesday, 26th April – 4:30 PM | Aula Arduino


Extreme precipitation causes natural hazards that are among the most damaging in Italy and globally, and serves as freshwater recharge for groundwater and surface water reservoirs.

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