Personale docente

Claudio Mazzoli

Professore associato confermato


Indirizzo: VIA G. GRADENIGO, 6 - PADOVA . . .

Telefono: 0498279144


  • Il Giovedi' dalle 12:00 alle 13:00
    presso Dipartimento di Geoscienze, studio docente
    Concordare sempre in anticipo per posta elettronica / Always make an appointment in advance by e-mail.

Claudio Mazzoli è Professore Associato al Dipartimento di Geoscienze dell'Università di Padova, e si occupa di Petrografia Applicata. I suoi principali interessi di ricerca includono il deterioramento dei materiali lapidei, l'archeometria applicata allo studio dei materiali lapidei e delle ceramiche, lo studio di nuovi materiali da costruzione realizzati utilizzando scarti industriali, la geochimica dei carbonati in studi paleoclimatici e paleoambientali, la valutazione dei rischi legati al radon nell'ambiente e nei materiali da costruzione, l'applicazione del mPIXE alle geoscienze, e la petrologia metamorfica di basamenti cristallini. È co-autore di oltre 150 articoli di ricerca in riviste scientifiche con peer-review (100 su riviste ISI) ed ha presentato più di 170 comunicazioni a congressi nazionali ed internazionali. È attualmente partner leader nei progetto Europei HYPERION (n. 821054), THETIDA (n. 101095253), WATERISKULT (n. 101022386) e M3DEA (n. 101108204), ed è coinvolto nei seguenti progetti PNRA (Programma Nazionale di Ricerca in Antartide): Geochemical signals in Antarctic Biogenic Carbonates for Paleoceanographic Reconstructions (GRACEFUL); Source and impact of greenhouse gases in Antarctica (SENECA); Bioconstructional organisms from the Ross Sea under Climate Change: ecosystems and ‘oasis’ of biodiversity to monitor and protect (BIOROSS).


Progetti di Ricerca Internazionali:

HYPERION EU Project: Project Home Page
HYPERION EU Project: FaceBook
WATERISKULT EU Project: Project Home Page
THETIDA EU Project: Project @ Cordis
M3DEA EU Project (Grant Agreement in preparazione)

SENECA (PNRA): Project Home Page
BIOROSS (PNRA): Project Home Page
GRACEFUL (PNRA): Project Home Page

Underwater cultural heritage vs. climate change: an experimental investigation of the effects of ocean acidification
Possible start: Summer/fall 2023
Contents: The candidate will investigate the dynamics of surface erosion of historical building stones used in underwater cultural heritage at different levels of seawater pH, by innovative laboratory simulations and/or field experimentations aimed at recreating different climate-change scenarios of ocean acidification.

Stone deterioration in ancient Greek-Roman underwater archaeological sites of the Mediterranean Sea
Possible start: Asap
Contents: The candidate will investigate the biocolonization, physical damage, and chemical alteration of archaeological materials in underwater sites in Italy, France, and Greece, seeking the correlation between submarine exposure, driving forces of biofouling and other decay processes, and observable effects on the historical surfaces.

Quantitative analysis of use-wear traces of Prehistoric stone tools
Possible start: Summer/fall 2023
Contents: The candidate will use high-resolution 3D modeling techniques for reconstructing the texture of experimental or archaeological stone tools used for an array of ancient human activities (from Kenya, Israel, etc.), applying image analysis for the topographic characterization of wear traces and statistical data analysis for identifying the possible usage in Prehistory.

Reconstructing the weathering trends of historical building materials via experimental microclimate monitoring
Possible start: Asap
Contents: The candidate will process a series of datasets acquired during experimental monitoring programs of selected historical building materials and their microenvironmental context and deterioration, acquired in Italy and Norway, seeking the quantitative correlation between outdoor exposure, microclimate variability, and stone properties, surface recession, and color changes.