Geoheritage and geosites

Geoheritage is a significant component of Italian cultural heritage. People involved in this research line work together with state organizations (soprintendenze - Ministero della Cultura, ISPRA, Regione Veneto) in identifying, promoting, preserving and protecting most relevant geosites and goods (as for properties of the UNESCO World Heritage List, or GSSPs).
The geoheritage of a territory represents its geodiversity, and plays a fundamental role - among other things - on shaping the landscape, as a support for ecosystems, and as the subject of geotourism. Furthermore, we work on the study, recovery and restoration, with state-of-the-art techniques (as, e.g., UV photography, microtomography and 3D modelling) of ex-situ geoheritage, as fossils, minerals and rocks of museum collections, and monuments made of natural stones.
Professors coordinating and developing projects related to this research pathway: Bernardo Cesare, Silvana Marti, Eliana Fornaciari, Claudio Mazzoli, Luca Giusberti, Nereo Preto, Roberto Gatto