To Prof. Giorgio Pennacchioni the “Luigi Tartufari” prize for the Geosciences from Lincean Academy

Giorgio Pennacchioni, full professor of the Department of Geosciences of the University of Padova, was awarded the International prize “Prof. Luigi Tartufari” for the Geosciences from Lincean Academy.
The solemn ceremony took place on June 17th at the Quirinale, in the presence of the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella, on the occasion of the closing of the Academic Year 2021-2022 during which the Academy awards were awarded.
Professor Pennacchioni was awarded (jointly with his colleague Giuseppe Cruciani of the University of Ferrara) with the following motivation:
“He is unanimously considered by the international scientific community to be one of the most brilliant structural geologists for his contributions on visco-plastic deformation processes stored in the structure of rocks exhumed by tectonic events and on the processes in place. He was among the first in Italy to introduce quantitative aspects of both a modeling-numerical and micro-structural nature to achieve a better understanding of the formation and evolution of collisional chains, progressively pushing research towards the study of deformation processes at the lithospheric scale. Internationally recognized as the author of scientific contributions in which the originality of the data, their high quality and the solidity of the conclusions stand out. Lecturer adored by students for his clarity of presentation and enthusiasm in transmitting passion and knowledge, a fundamental characteristic for stimulating future generations of geologists ".