The Department of Geosciences starts a new series of seminars for the first semester of the a.y. 2023/2024

From Thursday 5th October 2023, the Department of Geosciences presents a new series of seminars for the first semester of the a.y. 2023/2024.
The events, proposed by members of the Department and held by speakers from Italian and international universities and research centers will be open to anyone interested.
- Thursday 5 October, 4.30 pm - 1F Classroom: Unveiling the Ocean’s influence on future climate change impacts, speaker: Dr.ssa Katinka Bellomo - Dip. di Ingegneria dell’Ambiente, del Territorio e delle Infrastrutture (Politecnico di Torino). The abstract and the details are available here
- Thursday 19 October, 4.30 pm - Arduino Classroom: Le applicazioni della Geologia nei Servizi Ambientali, speaker: Dr. Alessio Bonetto - Gruppo Veritas S.P.A.). The abstract and the details are available here. The seminar will be held in Italian.
- Thursday 26 October, 4.30 pm - Arduino Classroom: A multiscale approach to fluid-rock interaction processes from Earth’s depth to the surface, speaker: Dr. Tommaso Tacchetto - Curtin University (Australia). The abstract and the details are available here.
- Thursday 9 November, 4.30 pm - Arduino Classroom: Ancient impacts, early life, and gemstones: Insights into the Archean Eon from southern West Greenland, speaker: Dr. Chris Yakymchuk - Waterloo University (Canada). The abstract and the details are available here.
- Thursday 16 November, 4.30 pm - Arduino Classroom: Le deformazioni da carico idraulico sull’Altopiano del Cansiglio: storia di una ricerca multidisciplinare, speaker: Dr. Barbara Grillo - (Dip. Matematica e Geoscienze Università di Trieste; SpeleoTeam Conegliano CAI). The abstract and the details are available here. The seminar will be held in Italian.
- Thursday 23 November, 4.30 pm - Arduino Classroom: The “complex” electrical conductivity of ice and frozen ground, speaker: Dr. Adrian Flores-Orozco (Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Technical University of Wien - Austria. The abstract and the details are available here.
- Thursday 30 November, 4.30 pm - Arduino Classroom: Il ruolo del geologo nel settore estrattivo. Dalle risorse del territorio ad una progettazione sostenibile, speaker: Dr. Geol. Antonio Rigon (free-lance geologist). The abstract and the details are available here. The seminar will be held in Italian.
- Thursday 14 December, 4.30 pm - Arduino Classroom: Porous material in geological processes: From physical principles to applications, speaker: Prof. Marc A. Hesse (Department of Geological Sciences - University of Texas, Austin). The abstract and the details are available here
- Thursday 11 January, 4.30 pm - Arduino Classroom: Geopolymers: from the Earth to the Moon, speaker: Shima Pilehvar (Department of Engineering – Østfold University College, Norway). The abstract and the details are available here
- Thursday 18 January, 4.30 pm - Arduino Classroom: Climate predictions: recent developments and applications, speaker: Dr. Paolo Ruggeri (Department of Physics and Astronomics "Augusto Righi" - Università di Bologna). The abstract and the details are available here
The calendar of further seminars will appear soon